Friday 20 July 2012

Yewande, I feel your pain

Each day passes with a cause to be grateful for the gift of life, good health amongst other things. For some, its far from it.

I am heart broken, and  my spirit bleeds because of my encounter and subsequent chat I had today with Yewande and her twins in Surulere ( Suburb of Lagos State). The sight of the beautiful kids in such an environment broke my heart.  I adore twins. I would want one of my own someday ( God willing).

Maybe, I can say that was the first attraction but the dirty spot the mother and kids were seated left room for my curiousity to her and her story that broke my heart.

Sometimes, during my 'exhaling' sessions,  I have asked so many questions, 'how one gets to find herself being a single mother ( or even father)'. I mean you plan your life so carefully from your youth with dreams that you back up with prayers, even strict parental discipline and yet find yourself  wondering why? How come?

Yewande's like many others all over the world irrespective of country, are doing some soul searching, looking for the right answers. Will the answers ever come?

NB: I will give a the story of Yewande tomorrow but right now, I need to 'exhale' . Its been a remarkable day.

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